Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Here we go!!

I miss everyone! I miss our funny announcment... Whats happening in your lives?

AP update.. 

AP is giving money back for any student that no longer wants to take the test. You would get your money back (that is for ALL AP tests.. btw) If you choose this you will have to notify me and I will work it out with school. 

The update on the test.. 

AP Subject
Exam question type(s)Exam Date #1Exam Date #2
Art and Design: 2D Portfolio

Selected Works: 3 works required (instead of 5) to be submitted digitally + Sustained Investigation: 10 images required (instead of 15), also submitted digitallyPortfolio due date extended for all students to May 26 at 11:59 p.m. ET

You only ned 10 images now.. Still need to show a few before and after and you will still have to talk about each piece. Make sure you can log into the college board! Leah had some problems? Leah do you have any tip? Comment below.

If you think you are not going to take the test I need to know ASAP so we can get your money back and I have to communicate that to the school.. let me know today if you our thinking about it.

If your on the fence.. Im still here to help dont forget! We can video chat and google hang out and have class critiques and everything..

I need to take your attendance EVERYDAY..

Check the site EVERYDAY I will put up a new post.. you will need to comment on the post or take a survey. Today its a comment. Comment below, whats going on in your life? Our you dying of bordem? what have you been doing..? 



  1. Netflix and scholarships. i miss people

  2. haven't done much for photos :( i have painted a bit

  3. Can we do a zoom video chat someday?

  4. we should do a google meet! its so easy to set up. i have some cool ideas but no way to execute them :( i will figure something out.

  5. ive been baking a lot & trying to limit my news time - this is so cray cray :(

    1. i like that your baking. i want to but im scared im just going to eat all of it by myself!

    2. omg me too lmao its so bad

    I watched Frozen 2, it wasn't as good as the first one, but it was still pretty good. The songs in Frozen are much better, but "Into the Unknown". O.M.G. "Into the Unknown" is great, 10/10, just fantastic. The plot of Frozen 2 seems kinda similar to Brave, the Disney Pixar collaboration about a Scottish princess and her journeys of her and her bear mother. I didn't like how Anna saved Elsa form freezing in the end, very similar to the first movie. I think that the overall movie is pretty good,besides that good forsaken, hot heap of trash song Kristoff song "Lost in the Woods," it almost ruined the whole movie. I would rate the movie a 7/10, good but it could be better. I would not consider it to be one of the Disney heavy hitters in the future. Thank you for reading my Frozen 2 review.

    Michael is in class

  7. Yes I want to talk with all of you! Do we want to do a meet tomorrow Wed? How about 2:00? respond if you see this.. I will send it out on the remind also.

    We have to do google hangout video. Were not aloud to Zoom chat with kids.. I know its much better but oh well google will work

  8. Went to southern Illinois before the Stay-at-Home order... but besides that not much.

  9. micheal, i really enjoyed your in deoth review of frozen 2. every one else, its nice to hear from yo guys. i miss you all. ive been trying to stay productive. music really helps. i like this break because i feel like i have all f this time to really listen to music. im stress about doing photo shoots tho! how do i take pictures if im in my house. i guess a lot of badly lit self-portraits?? i feel like i have so much to say because i haven't talked to any of yo in so long. they're cancelling the german exchange. but i might go to Hawaii instead. i like have a little bit of stress of school. it gives me something to do all day, but its already 2:10 and i've only gotten 886 steps today. thats absolutely ridiculous. anyways i regret taking so many classes i have to go do work. bye. love you all

  10. idk why it says unkown does it say that for you uys too. im sam

  11. not to much has happened just getting very bored, watched a few tv shows then got bored.. This is crazy

  12. i dont know why it says unknown for me as well but its kylee

  13. I have been bored but I have been painting more and attempting to edit another shoot. Also I miss you all <3

  14. oh also i dont know why it doesnt have my name but this was Jaz

  15. I am now regretting my decision to 7th major this year

  16. I think you have to log in to your d155 email and then it wont say unknown.. otherwise just put your name after comment. Thanks peeps
