Monday, April 13, 2020


I made art
Hey Guys!

Thank you if you uploaded your images to the shared folder. I will be adding points to your progress
report grade this week if you did it!

If you did not PLEASE DO IT! >>> HERE

Was everyone able to get into the college board site? If you did not log in ASAP in

I would like to have individual meetings with you EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT Submitting to AP.

Please sign up below. by the end of the day today.



THIS WEEKS INSTAGRAM ARTIST IS KYLEE! Check CG insta site for last weeks artists if you need ideas. Email me your caption and pics!

I can see on the College board site who has logged in. GET ON THEIR TODAY!

1 comment:

  1. i logged in, i think it just says not started cus i havent uploaded any pictures into that site yet maybe??
