Monday, April 6, 2020


If you do not comment or communicate with me everyday I have to mark you absent.

Once you have
forgotten to do this for sevral days I have to tell administration and your dean will be calling your parents. So comment!!!

On Friday only 5 of you were technically here because you did not comment..

I mentioned Tomorrow for a meeting but I have an art teacher meeting... so lets do Wednesday @ 2. I sent all of you a google Calandar invite to remind you. It should add to your Google cal then you can click on the link this is also the link..

-Log into College Board. you may need these codes to help you log in.

School Code-140563
Teacher Key- srw0176   All lower case..
-If you did not do a new photoshoot over the weekend GO DO IT TODAY! 

My life update.. whats yours?
Comment below for attendance. Anything exciting happen this weekend? I wore jeans for the first time in a month..also binge watched Looking for Alaska on Hulu it was good..Also good Hunters on Prime..  Looking for Alaska is also a book.. and its better then the series if you are looking for something to do. I started a Stephen King book called 11/26/63 over the weekend.. its 1000 pages but its sooooo good so far. My nextdoor neighbor gave his brother a horrible haircut in the backyard and he stormed in the house that was funny. My sister works at Walk Mart and thats scary to me.. so I think im going to try and make her some face masks today with extra fabric I have.. NO school Friday!


  1. Megan: I tried to do a new photoshoot but it looked like junk and I don't really have that many ideas left.

  2. HAha I forgot about that American Gothic picture!!! I am going to take some pics today but that means I have to do makeup...........

  3. i have like no motivation to do school work because my teachers keep assigning SO MUCH!!! what the heck

  4. I watched tiger king, all these people are CRAZY. Also school sucks, thank you

  5. I did a photoshoot and it turned out pretty well except its kinda been hard to edit it. I have been watching blacklist on Netflix because I am obsessed. Also I tried to walk my cat since I dont have a dog or any "walkable" and he chased a squirrel and hated it. :(

  6. Forensics is pointless now because the only thing that was keeping me there were the labs and now we can't even do those. I should've dropped it when I had the chance smh

  7. I watched you and right now im finishing that 70s show. i wanna see my friends:(
