forgotten to do this for sevral days I have to tell administration and your dean will be calling your parents. So comment!!!
- Everyone needs to do a photoshoot this weekend. We need to start pluggin in images to the college board site ASAP the sooner you finish the better will feel.
- Next weeks meeting TUESDAY @ 2? Can everyone make it? Leave it in the comments if we want to do antoher day/time. EVERYONE is going to talk about what they did for their shoot. If you our not taking the test you still need to photograph something..
- COMPLETE the folder direcctions from yesterday today>> I created a shared folder in the google drive shared HERE called AP organization. Create a folder in their with your NAME and upload any images you think might work for your inquiry even if you dont like them..
Attendance Question of the Day---Comment-- If you could be rencarnated as any animial what would you come back as...?
I would be some kind of flying fish so I can see cool stuff underwater and then fly away when a sharks gonna eat me. -DiLeo
i would love to be a lioness they are so beautiful and powerful
ReplyDeleteWait we can start putting our stuff into the college board thingy? Also I think I'd be a flying squirrel. I don't know why I just think they're cool
ReplyDeleteI would definitely be a big cat of some sort, maybe a mountain lion or a panther. I have a discussion for english at 1 on tuesday so i could prob make the google hangout depending on how long discussion lasts
ReplyDeleteMegan- I would be a dog because they have such happy lives.
ReplyDeletea dog cuz everyone likes dogs
ReplyDeleteXenophidion acanthognathus because ya know